Academic Advancement and Research
Supporting the Inamori Foundation’s Kyoto Prize
The non-profit Inamori Foundation was established in 1984, based upon the belief of Kyocera’s founder Kazuo Inamori, that “a human being has no higher calling than to strive for the greater good of humanity and the world,” and that “the future of humanity can be assured only when there is a balance between scientific development and the enrichment of the human spirit.” The Kyoto Prize, organized by the Foundation, was established in 1985. It celebrates as an international award that honors people who have made significant contributions in the three categories of Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy. Each laureate receives a diploma, Kyoto Prize medal and prize money of 100 million yen per category.
Each year in November, an awards ceremony for the Kyoto Prize is held to recognize outstanding achievements in the sciences and humanities. Laureates give lectures, offering listeners a glimpse into their intellect and character. In addition, Kyoto Prize commemorative events have been held for local university students and residents in San Diego, USA, since 2002 and in Oxford, UK, since 2017. Kyocera endorses and actively supports these activities.

(Photo by Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego)

The Kyoto Prize at Oxford in the UK (Photo by John Cairns)
Inamori Frontier Research Center at Kyushu University
The Inamori Frontier Research Center was established at Kyushu University (Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan) to undertake research activities that will contribute to the harmony of minds and technology, and to support exchanges among young researchers. Kyocera agrees with the goals of the Center, and supported its operations between 2008 and March 2022 by donating scholarship funds, etc. The Inamori Frontier Research Center was renamed as the Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall in April 2022, and its objectives and cutting-edge research were passed on as the Inamori Frontier Program for developing young researchers under the "Kyocera Professorship" at Kyushu University starting in April 2022.

Support for the Inamori Academy at Kagoshima University
Kyocera supports the research and educational activities of the Inamori Academy at Kagoshima University. Following the endowment of the Chair of Management Studies in the Faculty of Engineering at Kagoshima University in 2000, the Inamori Academy of Management and Technology was founded in 2005, and later reorganized and merged into the Inamori Academy in 2008.
Kyocera has consistently supported the Academy since it endowed the Chair of Management Studies. In doing so, it promotes initiatives for "Cultivating 'Skilled 21st Century Citizens' with a sense of ethics and an enterprising spirit to the greater good of humankind and society, and developing leaders that are needed by local communities."

Research Support at Four U.S. Universities
In gratitude for many years of collaboration with the American electronics industry, and based on a desire to ensure the industry’s continued development, since 1984 Kyocera has given endowments to the engineering divisions of Alfred University, Case Western Reserve University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Washington. These endowments support the research activities of appointed Kyocera Professors as well as the enrollment of overseas students and researchers at each institution. This contributes towards the acquisition of cutting-edge research information, developing of young researchers, dispatch of researchers, joint research, etc.
On August 26 and 27, 2024, the 9th Kyocera Professors Meeting was held at the Kirishima R&D Center for the first time in four years to share the most recent research.

(At the Kirishima R&D Center Lobby)
The Kyocera Museum of Fine Ceramics / Inamori Library
The Kyocera Museum of Fine Ceramics showcases the history of leading edge technologies that promote the future development of fine ceramics technology and the industry as a whole. The museum's goal is to introduce the public to the exciting world of ceramics.
The Inamori Library showcases the path of Kyocera Corporation founder, Kazuo Inamori, as an engineer and business leader, Kyocera's Management Rational and Philosophy of helping business persons, researchers, and students to learn and think deeply about ideal management and forward-looking attitudes toward development. Open to the public free of charge, both the Kyocera Museum of Fine Ceramics and the Inamori Library attract many visitors each year.

Donation of the Kyocera Collection of British Parliamentary Papers
In 1998, Kyocera donated to Japan’s National Museum of Ethnology more than 12,000 volumes of documents that had been submitted to the British parliament in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection was transferred to the Center for Integrated Area Studies (CIAS) at Kyoto University in 2006 and is utilized as a resource for research.

Corporate Motto / Management Rationale / Management Philosophy
- Top Management Message
- Sustainability Management
- Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Environmental Safety Policy / Targets and Promotion System
- Measures to Fight Climate Change -Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations-
- Water Risk Response
- Contribution to the Circular Economy/ Approaches to Waste Reduction
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- Environmentally Friendly Products / Green Procurement
- Environmental Communication
- A History of Our Environmental Protection Activities
Social Citizenship Initiatives
- The Kyocera Group Human Capital
- Respect for Human Rights
- DEI Promotion
- Occupational Safety
- Occupational Health, Safety, and Fitness Initiatives
- Supply Chain Management
- Approaches to Raising Quality and Customer Satisfaction Levels
- Social Contribution Activities
- Academic Advancement and Research
- Support for Culture and the Arts
- International Exchanges and Collaboration
- Environmental Protection Activities
- Local Community Activities
- Social Welfare Activities
- Contributions to Society through Business Activities