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ESG Data Sheets

Third Party Assurance


Environmental management system

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Rate of ISO14001 certification Kyocera Group
(production sites)
70 72 76 78 80
In-house certification, auditing, etc. Kyocera Group
(production sites)
30 28 24 22 20

Greenhouse gas emissions

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Scope1 ( Since FY2017) t-CO2e Kyocera Group 162,899 128,088 134,684 122,710 115,672
Scope2 (Market-based) ( Since FY2017) t-CO2e Kyocera Group 855,089 750,044 780,884 800,613 683,142
Scope2 (Location-based) ( Since FY2024) t-CO2e Kyocera Group 934,334 892,033 935,454 913,279 825,601
Scope1,2 (Scope1+Scope2 Market-based) ( Since FY2018) t-CO2e Kyocera Group 1,017,987 878,131 915,568 923,322 798,813
Scope3* t-CO2e Kyocera Group 5,357,309 5,021,540 5,048,146 4,837,820 3,876,049
Category 1: Purchased products and services ( Since FY2018) t-CO2e Kyocera Group 3,501,568 3,615,475 3,733,195 3,540,146 2,575,525
The calculation is made by multiplying the monetary value data of purchased products and services by the basic unit of emission based on the "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Supply Chain".
Category 2: Capital goods ( Since FY2024) t-CO2e Kyocera Group 309,248 335,606 410,192 470,181 442,366
The calculation is made by multiplying the procurement amount of capital goods by the basic unit of emission based on the "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Supply Chain.
Category 3: Fuel and energy-related activities
not included in Scope 1 or 2
t-CO2e Kyocera Group 181,407 130,086 141,631 157,129 168,579
The calculation is made by multiplying the amount of fuel and energy used by the basic guidelines for calculating greenhouse gas emissions through the supply chain.
Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2e Kyocera Group 127,943 97,756 145,082 99,293 126,718
Calculated in accordance with the Joint Guidelines for Calculating CO2 Emissions in the Logistics Sector (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). In addition, upstream emissions of transportation fuels are additionally calculated from FY2019.
Category 5: Waste generated in operations t-CO2e Kyocera Group 7,403 5,891 19,132 18,036 18,237
The calculation is based on the emissions per unit of waste disposal method by waste type and emissions from waste transportation in the "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Supply Chain".
Category 6: Business travel t-CO2e Kyocera Group 9,946 1,010 1,020 10,557 10,294
The calculation is based on the basic guidelines for calculating greenhouse gas emissions through the supply chain, multiplied by the number of employees.
Category 7: Employee commuting t-CO2e Kyocera Group 26,425 13,449 12,840 18,265 17,817
The calculation is made by multiplying the number of employees by the city category basic unit of the "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Supply Chain.
Category 8: Upstream leased assets t-CO2e Kyocera Group 1,704 1,515 1,013 1,722 3,156
Calculated based on fuel consumption in leased vehicles used primarily for business purposes.
Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2e Kyocera Group 122,356 106,540 106,342 42,180 50,498
Starting with FY 2020 figures, the scenario settings have been changed and recalculated using the transport ton-kilometer method. In addition, upstream emissions of transportation fuels are additionally calculated from FY2020.
Category 10: Processing of sold products Kyocera Group Printers, cell phones, and power tools are finished products and are not processed. Electronic components are installed in the final product at the customer's company, but there is no significant processing of the electronic components themselves.
Category 11: Use of sold products t-CO2e Kyocera Group 633,867 420,751 175,791 171,242 109,060
Calculated based on power consumption, product life, and unit sales of consumer products. The calculation is not performed because it is difficult to make a reasonable calculation due to the wide variety of electronic components, as well as differences in products, sizes, product life, etc., that use electronic components.
Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2e Kyocera Group 12,259 10,284 19,134 28,931 62,726
The amount of emissions from consumer products and packaging materials is calculated based on the "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Supply Chain," using emissions per unit of waste by type and treatment method, as well as emissions from waste transportation. The calculation is not performed for electronic components, as they are diverse in size and difficult to calculate rationally.
Category 13: Downstream leased assets Kyocera Group GHG emissions from tenants renting from affiliated companies are recorded in Scope 1 and 2.
Category 14: Franchising Kyocera Group Not included in the table as Kyocera does not have any franchise locations.
Category 15: Investments t-CO2e Kyocera Group 283,177 282,774 280,138 291,073
From FY2020, GHG emissions of companies whose shares are acquired are accounted for as a percentage of the GHG emissions of the acquired companies.

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Greenhouse gas emissions by region

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Japan t-CO2e Kyocera Group 618,987 526,657 572,348 603,028 495,026
China t-CO2e Kyocera Group 133,562 116,727 111,230 78,127 65,751
Asia t-CO2e Kyocera Group 88,458 93,667 97,466 115,031 110,284
Europe t-CO2e Kyocera Group 66,510 57,751 53,245 44,261 48,728
North America t-CO2e Kyocera Group 94,763 59,603 57,890 58,292 62,300
Central and South America t-CO2e Kyocera Group 15,708 23,726 23,390 24,583 16,725

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Greenhouse gas emissions not including CO2 emissions from energy production

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
CO2 t-CO2e Kyocera Group 2,547 1 57 36 48
CH4 t-CO2e Kyocera Group 60 28 57 46 39
N2O t-CO2e Kyocera Group 152 188 293 400 264
HFCs t-CO2e Kyocera Group 14 165 72 60 6,377
PFCs t-CO2e Kyocera Group 598 598 687 749 813
SF6 t-CO2e Kyocera Group 1,990 1,365 974 1,180 1,005
NF3 t-CO2e Kyocera Group 232 202 232 267 177
Total t-CO2e Kyocera Group 5,593 2,547 2,372 2,738 8,724

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.

CO2 emissions associated with freight transport

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
CO2 emissions associated with freight transport t-CO2e Kyocera 7,721 6,784 7,003 8,141 6,924

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Total amount of energy produced or purchased from natural sources MWh Kyocera Group 3,510 12,100 25,929 78,396 77,802
Total non-renewable energy consumption MWh Kyocera Group 2,768,889 2,912,490 2,669,446 2,473,821 2,240,131
Non-renewable fuel MWh Kyocera Group 1,068,787 1,098,313 717,167 632,020 525,232
Electricity from non-renewable sources MWh Kyocera Group 1,697,856 1,811,093 1,942,369 1,831,779 1,708,509
Energy for steam, heat, cooling and other uses
purchased from non-renewable sources
MWh Kyocera Group 2,247 3,085 9,910 10,021 6,390
Total energy consumption MWh Kyocera Group 2,772,399 2,924,590 2,695,375 2,552,217 2,317,933

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.

Water intake

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Net freshwater withdrawal ( Since FY2023) 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 4,871 5,076 5,412 5,524 4,908
Groundwater withdrawal ( Since FY2023) 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 11,157 11,857 12,456 11,370 10,462
Total municipal water supply and industrial water ( Since FY2019) 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 16,028 16,933 17,868 16,894 15,371

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.

Water intake by region

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Japan 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 13,174 14,062 14,604 13,747 12,508
Europe 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 214 213 237 240 213
West Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 23 24 28 25 16
Southeast Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 728 729 968 1,027 1,049
East Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 1,310 1,219 1,173 970 831
North America 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 282 404 431 523 432
Central and South America 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 297 282 426 362 321

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.

Wastewater recycling

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Amount of recycled wastewater: Japan 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 2,785 2,423 2,399 2,298 2,421
Amount of recycled wastewater: East Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 0 28 0 98 87
Amount of recycled wastewater: Southeast Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 2 2 2
Amount of recycled wastewater: North America 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 34 105 90 95 111
Amount of recycled wastewater: Europe 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 2 2
Total amount of recycled wastewater 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 2,819 2,556 2,491 2,495 2,624
Wastewater recycling ratio % Kyocera Group 18 15 14 15 17

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Total of wastewater discharged to sewer system 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 1,559 2,336 2,394 2,789 2,773
Total of discharge into rivers and lakes 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 11,377 13,165 14,090 12,957 11,725
Total discharged water volume ( Since FY2019) 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 12,936 15,501 16,484 15,747 14,498

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.

Wastewater volume by region

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Japan 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 10,282 12,824 13,426 12,790 12,136
Europe 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 212 212 235 238 193
West Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 23 24 28 20 13
Southeast Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 674 750 893 950 882
East Asia 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 1,176 1,061 1,108 900 754
North America 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 272 386 415 510 409
Central and South America 1,000 m3 Kyocera Group 297 244 379 339 110

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Due to the rounding off of fractions, breakdown and total amount may differ.


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Total amount of waste generated ( Since FY2024) t Kyocera Group 41,582
Total waste emissions ( Since FY2020) t Kyocera Group 22,207 28,586 35,029 38,207 32,608
Amount of recycled t Kyocera Group 20,494 24,867 32,011 35,445 29,972
Reclaimed waste t Kyocera Group 1,713 2,299 3,018 2,761 2,636
Hazardous waste generated ( Since FY2020)
(special controlled industrial waste in Japan)
t Kyocera Group 13,075 14,767 17,622 20,370 15,557

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Waste emissions: General waste from Japan and non-hazardous waste from overseas are excluded from the scope of this report.

Recycled amount: The total of material, chemical, and thermal recycling.

Waste recycling rate

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Recycling rate % Kyocera Group 92.3 92.0 91.4 92.8 93.7
Recycling rate: Japan % Kyocera Group 99.8 99.8 99.6 99.8 99.7
Recycling rate: Excluding Japan % Kyocera Group 77.5 75.1 72.7 77.9 85.2

In and before FY2023, this was calculated by dividing by total waste emissions. After FY2024, it was calculated by dividing by total amount of waste generated.

Chemical substances

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Handling volume t Kyocera 3,939 4,237 4,719 4,371 3,799
Emissions + Amount transferred t Kyocera 413 444 579 573 380
Emissions t Kyocera 154 167 209 268 102
Amount transferred t Kyocera 259 277 370 305 278
VOC handling volumes ( Since FY2020) t Kyocera Group
3,998 4,259 4,883 4,696 4,029
VOC atmospheric emissions ( Since FY2020) t Kyocera Group
600 573 717 754 392

Data has been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.

Twenty substances designated by Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) are the subjects of the VOC calculation.


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Atmospheric pollutants: NOX t Kyocera 32 36 36 39 37
Atmospheric pollutants: SOX t Kyocera 6 5 4 2 3
Water pollutants: BOD t Kyocera 31 34 45 38 30
Water pollutants: COD t Kyocera 45 47 54 49 43


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Environmental and energy investment Million yen Kyocera Group
809 781 711 734 929
Single-year economic effect of reducing environmental impact Million yen Kyocera Group
128 103 140 170 149


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Amount of each raw material used
(PRTR intake)
t Kyocera 3,939 4,237 4,719 4,371 3,799


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Weight of product collected t KDC (Japan) 2,329.10 2,263.80 2,371.50 2,402.40 2,379.50
Reused weight t KDC (Japan) 18.0 15.7 9.1 10.2 5.8
Recycled weight t KDC (Japan) 2,311.10 2,248.10 2,362.40 2,392.20 2,373.70
Reuse and recycle rate KDC (Japan) 100 100 100 100 100
Container packaging material usage t Kyocera 25 24 17 15 17

KDC: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

Environmental labeling

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Return on Type III Environmental Labels Kyocera Group 3 3 3 2 2
Return on other eco-labels (EPEAT, ENRGY STAR ®, Eco Mark, Blue Angel, etc.) Kyocera Group 14 14 11 6 5

Environmental violations

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of environmental violations
(fines of USD 10,000 or more )
Kyocera Group 0 0 0 0 1
Fines for environmental violations
(fines of USD 10,000 or more )
Yen Kyocera Group 0 0 0 0 57,715
Environmental debt at the end of fiscal year Yen Kyocera Group 0 0 0 0 0


Employee demographics

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Men Kyocera Group 47,147 48,857 51,667 50,239 49,353
Women Kyocera Group 28,358 29,633 31,334 30,970 29,832
Percentage of female employees Kyocera Group 37.6 37.8 37.8 38.1 37.7
Total Kyocera Group 75,505 78,490 83,001 81,209 79,185
Men Kyocera Group
21,313 21,977 22,609 22,941 23,010
Women Kyocera Group
4,912 5,145 5,432 5,614 5,781
Percentage of female employees Kyocera Group
18.7 19.0 19.4 19.7 20.1
Total Kyocera Group
26,225 27,122 28,041 28,555 28,791
Number of male in R&D department Kyocera 2,675 2,385 2,246 2,505
Number of female in R&D department Kyocera 340 224 245 272
Percentage of female employees in R&D department Kyocera 11.3 8.6 9.8 9.8
Dispatched workers Kyocera 95
Contracted employees Kyocera 5
Part-time sales staff, Part-time workers Kyocera 3,435

Management demographics

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of upper-level management positions (Executive Officers or higher) held by men Kyocera 32
Number of upper-level management positions (Executive Officers or higher) held by women Kyocera 4
Percentage of upper-level management positions (Executive Officers or higher) held by women Kyocera 11.1
Number of management positions held by men Kyocera Group 7,644 7,682 7,859 6,646
Number of management positions held by women Kyocera Group 857 1,022 1,203 930
Percentage of management positions held by women % Kyocera Group 10.1 11.7 13.3 12.3
Total Kyocera Group 8,501 8,704 9,062 7,576
Number of management positions held by men Kyocera 3,014 3,163 2,803 2,832 2,893
Number of management positions held by women Kyocera 96 116 126 143 161
Percentage of management positions held by women* Kyocera 3.0 3.5 4.1 4.8 5.3
Total Kyocera 3,093 3,280 2,929 2,975 3,054
Number of senior positions (junior management level and above) held by men Kyocera 2,582 2,958 2,560 2,684 2,759
Number of senior positions (junior management level and above) held by women ( Since FY2020) Kyocera 284 346 383 424 454
Percentage of senior positions (junior management level and above) held by women Kyocera 9.9 10.5 13.0 13.6 14.1
Number of sales division management positions held by men Kyocera 2,091 2,110 1,971 1,910 1,919
Number of sales division management positions held by women Kyocera 41 50 52 57 71
Percentage of sales division management positions held by women Kyocera 1.9 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.6
Number of general manager or equivalent positions held by men Kyocera 240 232 225 224 230
Number of general manager or equivalent positions held by women Kyocera 1 4 4 3 3
Percentage of general managers or equivalent positions held by women % Kyocera 0.4 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.3

FY2026 target: 8%


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of new graduates employed (men) Kyocera 589 524 704 711 838
Number of new graduates employed (women) Kyocera 201 155 206 208 272
Percentage of new graduates employed (women) % Kyocera 25.4 22.8 22.6 22.6 24.5
Number of mid-career hires (men) Kyocera 211 253 546 549 338
Number of mid-career hires (women) Kyocera 52 29 65 101 56
Percentage of mid-career hires Kyocera 19.8 10.3 10.6 15.5 14.2

Average years of service

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Men Years Kyocera 18 18 17 16 15
Women Years Kyocera 18 16 16 15 15

Age groups

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Men (ages 10 to 19) Kyocera 507 352 505 660 499
Women (ages 10 to 19) Kyocera 158 94 134 200 167
Men (ages 20 to 29) Kyocera 2,673 3,009 3,464 3,685 3,970
Women (ages 20 to 29) Kyocera 796 871 978 902 1,164
Men (ages 30 to 39) Kyocera 3,518 3,514 3,515 3,567 3,713
Women (ages 30 to 39) Kyocera 1,119 1,062 980 902 871
Men (ages 40 to 49) Kyocera 4,109 4,046 3,948 3,863 3,747
Women (ages 40 to 49) Kyocera 1,075 1,110 1,130 1,183 1,179
Men (ages 50 to 59) Kyocera 5,237 5,222 5,090 4,972 4,855
Women (ages 50 to 59) Kyocera 495 574 619 707 773
Men (ages 60 to 69) Kyocera 25 47 31 51 46
Women (ages 60 to 69) Kyocera 2 4 0 2 7
Average age Age Kyocera 41.4 41.1 40.5 39.7 40.0

People with disability

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of employees with disabilities other than severe Kyocera 263 282 316 314 352
Number of employees with severe disabilities Kyocera 142 143 145 143 150
Percentage of employees with disabilities Kyocera 2.24 2.31 2.37 2.36 2.53


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Average earnings for male employees in non-management positions Yen Kyocera 5,131,291 4,918,565 6,547,696 7,288,584 6,944,353
Average earnings for female employees in non-management positions Yen Kyocera 4,055,248 4,013,296 4,935134 5,359,978 5,328,877
Average earnings for employees Yen Kyocera 7,158,563 6,840,910 7,252,239 7,233,043 6,968,288
Median earnings for employees Yen Kyocera 6,548,305 6,914,325 6,885,650 6,727,987

Employee turnover

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Turnover rate for employees leaving for personal reasons Kyocera 2.0 1.0 1.8 2.3 2.5
Turnover rate for male employees leaving for personal reasons Kyocera 1.2 0.8 1.5 1.9 1.4
Turnover rate for female employees leaving for personal reasons Kyocera 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.2
Turnover rate for all employees Kyocera 4.0 4.0 4.5 3.1 3.0

Uptake of available systems

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Percentage of annual paid leave taken Kyocera 67 68 70 78 81
Average number of days of annual paid leave taken Days Kyocera 13 13 14 16 16
Number of employees using the parental leave system Kyocera 201 190 202 282 334
Number of employees using the parental shortened workday system Kyocera 450 498 502 473 473
Rate of male employees using the parental leave system % Kyocera 3.6 7.0 11.9 21.2 30.7
Number of employees using the family nursing care leave system Kyocera 10 8 10 3 11
Average overtime hours h/M/Person Kyocera 19.4 16.7 28.0 24.7 14.6


Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Percentage of workers belonging to a union Kyocera 95.8 96.3 94.9 95.3 97.5

Social contribution spending

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Charitable donations Million yen FY2018-FY2021:
Kyocera Group (Japan)
From FY2021:
Kyocera Group
2 101 217 182 165
Time (employee volunteer activities during working hours) Million yen 28 10 3 5 11
In-kind donations (provision of products and services, donation projects) Million yen 10 25 2 1 2
Management expenses Million yen 63 44 47 82 53
Total expenditure Million yen 102 180 270 270 232
Number of external lectures (science education, environmental education,
career education, etc.)
Kyocera Group
76 8 10 50 47
Number of forest conservation and greenification activities Kyocera Group
4 5 8 8 6

Political expenditures

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Contributions to lobbying, etc. Million yen FY2018-FY2020:
From FY2021:
Kyocera Group
1 0 2 25 39
Contributions to local, regional and national
political campaigns
Million yen 0 0 0 0 0
Payments and donations to business organizations or tax-exempt organizations Million yen 37 49 53 73 72
Other Million yen 0 0 0 0 0
Total political funding and expenditure Million yen Kyocera 38 49 55 98 110

Safety management system

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Rate of ISO45001 certification Kyocera Group
(production sites)
53 51 53 56 52
In-house certification, auditing, etc. Kyocera Group
(production sites)
47 49 23 63 48

Accidents and diseases

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Lost time accident rate ( Since FY2020) Incidents per million hours Kyocera Group
0.22 0.30 0.38 0.32 0.49
Number of fatal accidents ( Since FY2022) 0 0 1 0 0
Occupational disease rate ( Since FY2020) Incidents per million hours 0.07 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.26

Personal information

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of serious complaints Kyocera 0 0 0 0 0


Board of Directors

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of male Directors Kyocera 15 14 8 8 8
Number of female Director Kyocera 1 1 1 1 1
Percentage of female Directors % Kyocera 6 7 11 11 11
Number of Outside Directors Kyocera 3 3 3 3 3
Number of Internal Directors Kyocera 13 12 6 6 6
Percentage of Outside Directores % Kyocera 19 20 33 33 33
Number of Outside Directors designated as Independent Directors Kyocera 3 3 3 3 3
Number of non-executive Directors and Independent Directors Kyocera 3 3 3 3 3
Number of outside members with industry experience and non-management members Kyocera 0 0 1 1 1
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors Kyocera 12 13 12 12 13
Rate of attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors Kyocera 93 87 97 100 100
Average years of service of Directors Years Kyocera 4 5 6 7 7

Audit & Supervisory Board

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board Members Kyocera 4 4 4 4 4
Number of Outside Auditors Kyocera 2 2 2 2 2
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board meetings Kyocera 8 8 9 8 9
Average attendance at Audit & Supervisory Board meetings Kyocera 100 98 100 100 100

Nominating and Remuneration Committee

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members Kyocera 4 4 4 4 4
Number of Outside Directors on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Kyocera 3 3 3 3 3
Number of meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Kyocera 3 2 2 2 3
Average attendance at Nomination and Remuneration Committee meetings Kyocera 92 100 100 100 100

Top management

Item Unit Boundary of the Report FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of male executives (Board of Directors) Kyocera Group 145 177 166 149
Number of female executives (Board of Directors) Kyocera Group 7 10 8 6
Percentage of female exectives % Kyocera Group 4.6 5.3 4.6 3.9
Number of male executives
(Exectives, Auditors)
Kyocera 37 35 35 38 31
Number of female executives
(Exectives, Auditors)
Kyocera 2 3 3 3 2
Percentage of female exectives % Kyocera 5.1 7.9 7.9 7.3 6.1