Stakeholder Engagement
To understand societal needs and fulfill them, we continue to improve our communication with stakeholders to make decisions based on their opinions.
Customer satisfaction depends on higher quality products and services.
Method | FY2023 Achievements | Approaches |
Number of inquiries 6,829 |
The Kyocera Group maintains a customer service office to improve customer satisfaction by responding to any inquiries, comments, or complaints in a sincere and timely manner. |
We strive to build a working atmosphere of enthusiasm based on our Management Rationale: "To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.
Method | FY2023 Achievements | Approaches |
Response rate, workplace assessment surveys 96.8% (Subjects: 27,012 employees) |
The Kyocera Group in Japan conducts workplace Vitality assessment with employees to help bolster a sense of dynamism in the workplace. | |
9 Round-table discussions | The Kyocera Group holds round-table discussions between employees and top management to exchange opinions, and the content is shared with all employees in company newsletters. |
Opinions and requests from shareholders are shared with top management and related internal departments to improve management initiatives and identify key issues.
Method | FY2023 Achievements | Approaches |
Financial results briefings for institutional investors: 4 Business summary briefings: 1 Approx. 400 participants |
The Kyocera Group holds financial results and business summary briefings for institutional investors. At the latest annual financial results briefing, we explained our mid-term business plan to facilitate thorough understanding of our growth strategies. |
One-on-one meetings with institutional investors Approx. 280 |
The Kyocera Group holds individual meetings with institutional investors in Japan and abroad, including ESG-themed meetings. | |
Company information sessions with individual investors:1 Approx. 480 participants |
The Kyocera Group holds online company information sessions for individual investors and maintains an archive of materials. |
Business associates
We demand fairness and transparent dealings to promote sustainable growth with business partners and fulfill our social responsibilities concerning human rights, labor, and environmental protection.
Method | FY2023 Achievements | Approaches |
Seminars and social gatherings with suppliers 232 participants from 202 companies |
The Kyocera Group holds seminars and social gatherings for suppliers. Annual awards are presented to the most outstanding suppliers of the year. | |
Response rate, surveys on sustainability activity status 100% (Subject companies: 351) |
The Kyocera Group conducts surveys of major suppliers to confirm the state of sustainability activities within our supply chain. |
Local communities
In recognition of the fact that a company serves as a member of society, we fulfill our responsibility as a good corporate citizen to support the development of local communities not only through our business but also through various social contribution activities.
Method | FY2023 Achievements | Approaches |
Off-site classes on environment and energy 1,031 participants |
The Kyocera Group offers off-site presentations on the environment and energy to children as a part of its environmental protection activities, to explain the importance of preserving our global environment. | |
Participants in briefing sessions 63 participants |
The Kyocera Group invites residents, business partners, administrative officials, and neighboring companies to its briefing sessions, where we conduct dialogue on our sustainability activities. |
Dialogue with Local Communities
The Kyocera Group (in Japan) has been holding regular reporting meetings since FY2005 with the aim of further increasing two-way communication with local communities, one of our important stakeholders. We report on the economic, social, and environmental activities of the Kyocera Group and each site, and exchange opinions on sustainability initiatives in areas such as human rights, labor, health and safety, the environment, fair trade, and ethics at the meeting.
Corporate Motto / Management Rationale
- Our Thoughts on Sustainability Activities
- Top Management Message
- Kyocera Group's Value Creation Model
- Sustainability Management
- Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Environmental Safety Policy / Targets and Promotion System
- Measures to Fight Climate Change -Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations-
- Water Risk Response
- Recycling Activities
- Initiatives to Prevent Environmental Pollution
- Conservation of Biodiversity
- Environmentally Friendly Products / Green Procurement
- Environmental Communication
- A History of Our Environmental Protection Activities
Social Citizenship Initiatives
- The Kyocera Group Human Capital
- Respect for Human Rights
- Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
- Occupational Safety
- Occupational Health, Safety, and Fitness Initiatives
- Supply Chain Management
- Approaches to Raising Quality and Customer Satisfaction Levels
- Social Contribution Activities
- Academic Advancement and Research
- Support for Culture and the Arts
- International Exchanges and Collaboration
- Environmental Protection Activities
- Local Community Activities
- Social Welfare Activities
- Contributions to Society through Business Activities
Relevant data
- ESG Data Sheets
- Third Party Assurance of Environmental and Social Data
- Promoting Digitalization
- Innovation Management
- Integrated Report
- Employees Creating the Future
- GRI Standards Comparison Table
- Editorial Policy
- Participation in Sustainability Related Initiatives & External Evaluation
- News & Announcements