Editorial Policy
The Kyocera Group discloses information regarding its sustainability activities with reference to GRI standards. Information contained in this report is disclosed in consideration of opinions and views received from stakeholders, and the degree of importance placed on the above activities by the Kyocera Group.
Reporting Period
In principle, information displayed is from FY2023 (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023).
Boundary of the Report
Kyocera Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries
Sections where the applicable scope differs are clearly indicated.
Accuracy of Information
To ensure the accuracy of disclosed information, the information presented here is disclosed after being cross-checked by multiple divisions, including the division providing the information, the Editorial Section, and the Corporate Communications Division. In addition, performance data is verified by a third party assurance in order to ensure its accuracy.
Corporate Motto / Management Rationale / Management Philosophy
- Top Management Message
- Sustainability Management
- Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Environmental Safety Policy / Targets and Promotion System
- Measures to Fight Climate Change -Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations-
- Water Risk Response
- Contribution to the Circular Economy/ Approaches to Waste Reduction
- Initiatives to Prevent Environmental Pollution
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Environmentally Friendly Products / Green Procurement
- Environmental Communication
- A History of Our Environmental Protection Activities
Social Citizenship Initiatives
- The Kyocera Group Human Capital
- Respect for Human Rights
- DEI Promotion
- Occupational Safety
- Occupational Health, Safety, and Fitness Initiatives
- Supply Chain Management
- Approaches to Raising Quality and Customer Satisfaction Levels
- Social Contribution Activities
- Academic Advancement and Research
- Support for Culture and the Arts
- International Exchanges and Collaboration
- Environmental Protection Activities
- Local Community Activities
- Social Welfare Activities
- Contributions to Society through Business Activities