Measures to Fight Climate Change -Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations-
The Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) asks all companies to assess climate-related risks and opportunities using climate change scenarios and disclose them in their business strategies and risk management. The Kyocera Group endorses the TCFD recommendations and has established a governance system that implements risk management and business strategies and sets metrics and targets as part of efforts to promote these initiatives.

Climate change ranks among the Kyocera Group's key management priorities. Our Sustainability Committee meets semiannually with top management to determine climate change countermeasures and goals. Sustainability progress is reported to the Board of Directors and shared during semiannual International Management Meetings attended by the leaders of our global operations. In addition, we have established a Long-Term Environmental Targets Task Force under the auspices of the Sustainability Committee to oversee tactical implementation.
Risk Management
The Kyocera Group regularly conducts scenario analysis on climate change to ascertain, assess, and manage risks and opportunities.
Risk Management Process
Our risk management efforts include identifying climate-related risks and opportunities within each value chain and evaluating them from two perspectives: 1) awareness level1, and 2) impact level 2. We then categorize each risk by priority: high, moderate, or low.
●Evaluated based on survey results of external trends from answers given by other companies to corporate assessments of climate change, policies addressing climate change, and other factors.
●Evaluated by external institutions based on the probability of an event occurring and its impact upon occurrence.

Category | Items | Priority level | Summary of risks (●) and opportunities ( ) | Greatly impacted value chains | ||
Transition risks | Policy | A | Carbon prices | Major |
Manufacturing / Development |
B | Each country's carbon emission target | Major |
Manufacturing / Development Sales / Use |
C | Energy-saving measures | Medium |
Manufacturing / Development | ||
D | Subsidy policies for renewable energy and other initiatives | Major |
Manufacturing / Development Sales / Use |
E | Regulations on recycling | Medium |
Manufacturing / Development Sales / Use |
Technology | F | Increased adoption of next-generation electronic components and semiconductors | Major |
Manufacturing / Development Sales / Use |
G | Increased adoption of next-generation technologies in energy-related business fields | Major |
Manufacturing / Development Sales / Use |
Market/reputational changes | H | Changes in priority products/product pricing | Medium |
Procurement of raw materials | |
I | Shift in consumer opinion in electronic components and semiconductors | Major |
Manufacturing / Development | ||
J | Shift in consumer opinion in the energy business | Major |
Manufacturing / Development | ||
K | Changes in investor/consumer opinion | Major |
All | ||
Physical risks | Acute | L | Changes in precipitation patterns and rises in average temperature. | Medium |
Manufacturing / Development |
Chronic | M | Intensifying extreme weather patterns | Major |
Manufacturing / Development |
The Kyocera Group analyzes risks and opportunities posed by climate change to the Kyocera Group in consideration of the impact of climate change on the Company's business, and changes in customer industries for FY2031 using an 1.5°C scenario*1 and a 2.6°C scenario*2 based on information provided by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). In particular, due to the importance that trends toward decarbonization plays in Kyocera's renewable energy business, energy adoption patterns and other considerations set under the 1.5°C scenario were applied, and the financial impact of risks and opportunities for each pattern were evaluated and analyzed. Based on these analysis results, we aim to achieve our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for by FY2031, and achieve carbon neutrality by FY2051.
- Scenario where temperatures rise between 1.0 and 1.8°C in 2100 compared to average global temperatures compared to pre-industrial levels (IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: SSP1-1.9)
- Scenario where temperatures rise between 2.1 and 3.5°C in 2100 compared to average global temperatures compared to pre-industrial levels (IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: SSP2-4.5)
Scenario | Overview |
1.5℃ |
A rise of +1.0 to 1.8°C in 2100 compared to the pre-industrial levels ![]() |
2.6℃ | A rise of 2.1 to 3.5°C in 2100 compared to the pre-industrial levels |
Main references:
RCP8.5, RCP4.5, RCP2.6, IEA ETP 2DS, IEA ETP B2DS, IEA450, IEA NPS, IEA ETP 2017, IEA NZE2050, IEA Sustainable Development Scenario, IEA WEO2022 Scenario, WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, Practical Guidelines on Flood Mitigation Planning in Consideration of Climate Change, etc.
Assessment of Business Impact
Items of major importance were assessed for their impact on the business. Although the business was forecast to suffer major impacts from flooding damage under the 2.6°C scenario, while under the 1.5°C scenario, the business was expected to be deeply impacted by carbon prices, and Kyocera sees this as a major opportunity for its renewable energy and hydrogen-related business. The main business impact assessments results are depicted below. The business impact shown below is based on the increase/decrease from that of FY2024.
Category | Risks/opportunities | Change in operating profit | Reference materials and calculation methods | |
2.6°C scenario | 1.5°C scenario | |||
Manufacturing/Services | Increase in Carbon Pricing | ▲10 billion yen | ▲12 billion yen | Assuming achievement of the 2030 reduction target using the IEA's World Energy Outlook 2023 as a reference. Calculation method: Future company greenhouse-gas emissions × Future carbon price |
Increase in Energy Costs | ▲15 billion yen | ▲15 billion yen | Assuming achievement of the renewable energy target for 2030 using the IEA's World Energy Outlook 2023 as a reference. Calculation method: Future co-operative energy use×Renewable energy ratio (%)×2030 electric power unit price |
Damage from Natural Disasters | ▲3 billion yen | ▲2 billion yen | Assuming that all domestic and overseas bases at high risk for potential flooding will be affected at some point by 2030 using the WWF Water Risk Filter, Aqueduct Flood, and Global Flood Depth-damage Functions as reference. Calculation method: Amount of damage to bases by region and industry × Site area × Flood depth-damage coefficient |
Sales and consumption | Expansion of Energy Business | 0 billion yen | 6.5 - 8.5 billion yen (Results of Company-specific scenarios) |
Estimated using the IEA's EV Outlook 2022, the Renewable Energy Institute's Proposal for 2030 Energy Mix in Japan (First Edition), the WWF's Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, and METI's Strategic Energy Plan and Outlook for Energy Supply and Demand in FY2031 as reference. Calculation method: Sales Revenue by Related Businesses × Operating Profit Ratio×Market Expansion Ratio |
Reduction of Scope 1 and 2 Emissions
Measures Addressing Rising Carbon and Energy Prices
To enhance its GHG reduction measures, Kyocera has divided the timeframe from FY2020 to FY2031 into four periods, with phased targets for power conservation and renewable energy adoption.
Stage 1 FY2020 to FY2022 |
Stage 2 FY2023 to FY2025 |
Stage 3 FY2026 to FY2028 |
Stage 4 FY2029 to FY2031 |
Implement renewable energy solutions |
[On-site] Install solar power generation facilities at domestic/overseas affiliate companies |
[Off-site] Install solar power generation facilities in Japan |
[Off-site] Install solar power generation facilities in Japan (PPA) |
Energy Conservation/Savings |
Install exhaust heat recovery systems
Install superior energy-saving equipment
Application of Energy-Saving Design and Optimal Operation of Clean Rooms |
Visual energy monitoring for production equipment |
Shift away from petroleum (to natural gas and others) and steam (electrification/humidification) |
Review hydrogen/ ammonia use |
New Renewable Energy Options
Since FY2021, the Kyocera Group expanded the use of renewable energy with the implementation of independent power generation and a wheeling system*1 using offsite solar power generation equipment. The Group also concluded a power purchase agreement (PPA)*2 involving renewable energy supply and demand (solar power, wind power, and biomass power generation). In addition, the Group has installed solar power generation systems on buildings and in parking lots at plants and offices both in Japan and overseas.
- Self-consignment allows power generated by a system owner to be supplied to other off-site users over the utility power grid.
- A power purchase agreement (PPA) allows users to benefit from renewable energy without having to own power-generating equipment
[On-site] Solar Power Installation
![image: [On-site] Solar Power Installation](images/img_tcfd_24_1_2.jpg)
[Off-site] Expanding the installation and use of renewable energy
(1) Renewable energy power supply based on PPA

(2) Renewable energy power supply through an independent power generation and wheeling system

Promotion of Saving Energy
CO2 Emissions Reduction Cases Presented
We regularly hold presentations to disseminate the energy-saving measures that are being planned or implemented by each manufacturing division.
Replacement of deodorizers with hybrid catalysts
The Kyocera Group installed new waste gas treatment equipment at certain plants to mitigate the effects of waste gas and odor generated from the manufacturing process. Existing waste gas treatment equipment filtered heated waste gas using a platinum catalyst to oxidize and decompose the waste through chemical reactions into harmless ingredients. However, replacement of the system with a hybrid catalyst, a combination of a low-temperature and platinum catalysts, made it possible to reduce the combustion temperature, which helps reduce the need for city gas by about 60% compared with that of FY2023. The Group will discuss the implementation of this hybrid catalyst inside Kyocera Group plants and offices.
CO2 emissions reduction (estimated): 385 (t-CO2e/year)

Improvement of GHG emission efficiency through visualization of the compressor
The Kyocera Group is moving forward to visualize GHG emissions from individual pieces of manufacturing equipment at plants. The Group will check target values against actual results in a timely manner to reduce GHG emissions and strive to conserve the power of compressors, an important piece of utility equipment, while aiming to prevent defects through efficiency monitoring.
CO2 emissions reduction (estimated): 2,460(t-CO2e/year)

Reduction of Scope 3 Emissions
Scope 3 emissions account for approximately 83% of the total GHG emissions by the Kyocera Group.
Emissions from Category 1 (Purchased Goods and Services) in particular account for a large portion. To address this, the Kyocera Group works on reduction through close cooperation with its suppliers.

Category 10, 13, and 14 are not calculated because they are not subjects of the assessment.
Initiative toward CO2 Reduction During Transportation of Products
The Kyocera Group participates in the SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) Flight Initiative promoted by All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. (ANA) to contribute to CO2 reduction during product transportation and to promote the future popularization of SAF.

SAF stands for sustainable aviation fuel, a type of biofuel produced from biomass and waste oil. Compared with conventional fossil fuels, it can cut aviation emissions by up to 80%.
Carbon Footprint Calculation
A carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 emitted throughout the lifecycle a product. To comply with regulations in Europe and meet customer requirements, the Kyocera Group strives to establish and implement accurate methods of calculating our carbon footprint.

Natural Disaster Countermeasures
As part of our risk management efforts, the Kyocera Group assesses geographic variables in planning countermeasures to potential natural disasters. These include installing water barriers at facilities in flood-prone regions and assessing flood stage data during facility planning or expansion.

(Kawasaki Plant)
Expansion of Smart Energy Businesses
Kyocera is aggressively expanding its use of renewable energy resources internally. In addition, we are branching out externally with our Smart Energy businesses. This includes purchasing surplus power generated by homes, other businesses, and large-scale solar power plants, applying analytics to balance energy supply with demand, and selling the surplus renewable power to other users.

Metrics and Targets
The long-term targets set for the Kyocera Group are as follows. Greenhouse gas emission targets are certified SBT (Science Based Targets).
- Scope 1, 2*1, GHG emissions (1.5℃ level) : Reduce 46% by FY2031 compared to FY2020 levels
- Scope 1, 2*1, 3*2 GHG emissions (1.5℃ level) : Reduce 46% by FY2031 compared to FY2020 levels
- Renewable energy adoption: Increase 20x by FY2031 from FY2014 levels
- Carbon Neutrality: Achieve by FY2051
*1 Scope 1: | Direct emissions associated with fuel consumption and production processes |
Scope 2: | Indirect emissions associated with consumption of power or heat purchased from outside |
*2 Scope 3: | Indirect emissions other than Scope 1 or 2 (Including procurement of raw materials, transport, use and disposal of products, as well as employee commuting and business trips) |

GHG Emissions (Scope 1, 2)

GHG Emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3)

Data have been updated to improve the accuracy of data aggregation for some locations.
Corporate Motto / Management Rationale / Management Philosophy
- Top Management Message
- Sustainability Management
- Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Environmental Safety Policy / Targets and Promotion System
- Measures to Fight Climate Change -Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations-
- Water Risk Response
- Contribution to the Circular Economy/ Approaches to Waste Reduction
- Initiatives to Prevent Environmental Pollution
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Environmentally Friendly Products / Green Procurement
- Environmental Communication
- A History of Our Environmental Protection Activities
Social Citizenship Initiatives
- The Kyocera Group Human Capital
- Respect for Human Rights
- DEI Promotion
- Occupational Safety
- Occupational Health, Safety, and Fitness Initiatives
- Supply Chain Management
- Approaches to Raising Quality and Customer Satisfaction Levels
- Social Contribution Activities
- Academic Advancement and Research
- Support for Culture and the Arts
- International Exchanges and Collaboration
- Environmental Protection Activities
- Local Community Activities
- Social Welfare Activities
- Contributions to Society through Business Activities