Dividend Information


i) Basic Profit Distribution Policy

Kyocera Corporation believes that the best way to increase corporate value and meet shareholders' expectations is to improve future consolidated performance on an ongoing basis.

Therefore, Kyocera Corporation has adopted a principal guideline that dividend amounts shall fall within a range based on profit attributable to owners of the parent on a consolidated basis, and has set its dividend policy to maintain a consolidated dividend payout ratio of around 50% of profit attributable to owners of the parent. In addition, Kyocera Corporation determines dividend amounts based on a comprehensive assessment, taking into account various factors including the amount of capital expenditures necessary for medium-to-long-term corporate growth.

Kyocera Corporation also has adopted policies to ensure a sound financial basis, and, for such purpose it sets aside other general reserves in preparation for the creation of new businesses, cultivation of new markets, development of new technologies and acquisition, as necessary, of outside management resources to achieve sustainable corporate growth.

In addition to the above-mentioned basic policy, within a certain range based on cash flow, Kyocera Corporation will implement acquisitions of its own shares when appropriate, as a powerful mechanism for enhancing shareholder returns.

ii) Dividend for the Year Ending March 31, 2025 ("FY25")

Kyocera Corporation will determine the amount of the annual divided in accordance with the above mentioned "i) Basic Profit Distribution Policy." Currently, the annual dividend for FY25 is expected to be 50 yen per share.