Ceramic Packages

Packages for Fiber-Optic Communication Modules

Kyocera provides packages for fiber-optic communication modules - including laser-diode and photodiode modules, LN and EA modulators and multiplexer / demultiplexer (mux / demux) devices. Our specialties include TO packages, surface mount packages, cooled TOSA and ROSA packages, butterfly-type packages (BTF PKG®) and RF connector packages. Available in custom and standard designs.

LN: Lithium Niobate; EA: Electro-Absorption; Mux: Multiplexer; Demux: Demultiplexer; TO: Transistor Outline; TOSA: Transmitter Optical Sub-Assembly; ROSA: Receiver Optical Sub-Assembly; RF: Radio Frequency; FPC: Flexible Printed Circuit; MSA: Multi-Source Agreement; ICR: Integrated Coherent Receiver; CFP: Centum (100Gbps) Form-factor Pluggable; QSFP: Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable; DP-QPSK: Dual-Polarization - Quadrature Phase Shift Keying; BGA: Ball Grid Array; SFP: Small Form-factor Pluggable; PSM: Parallel Single Mode; ITLA: Integrable Tunable Laser Assembly; XLMD-MSA: 40Gbps Miniature Device Multi Source Agreement

  • BTF PKG is a registered trademark of KYOCERA Corporation in the USA and Japan.
  • HITCE is a registered trademark of KYOCERA Corporation in Japan.
  • All electrical data of packages are measured or simulated by Kyocera.

100Gbps and beyond

Kyocera manufactures 100Gbps (4x25Gbps) packages and has prototypes of 400Gbps packages.
Flexible printed circuit (FPC) connectors and board to board connectors are available from Corporate Electronic Components Group of KYOCERA Corporation.

100Gbps Packages for Integrated Coherent Receivers (ICR) Gen 1.2

  1. Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) Compliant Package Outline
  2. Lower Return Loss: -20dB max. (DC~40GHz)
  3. RF Layout: GSSG x 4ch with 1.0mm pitch

Note: Micro Integrated Coherent Receiver (Micro ICR) packages have been prototyped with 0.8mm pitch.

High Baud Rate Packages for Integrated Coherent Receiver (ICR)

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~45GHz)
  2. RF Layout: GSSG x 4ch
  3. Low Optical Reflection (Black Color Ceramic Body)

100Gbps TOSA / ROSA Packages for CFP4 / QSFP28 Transceivers

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~45GHz)
  2. RF Layout: GSSG x 4ch with 1.37mm pitch
  3. Kyocera USP6,992,250 (Structure Patent)
    Kyocera USP6,036,375 (Structure Patent)

100Gbps DP-QPSK LN Modulator Packages

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~32GHz)
  2. Flexible printed circuit (FPC) RF interface replaces RF connectors.
  3. Sn-Ag-Cu (Pb free) Solder Usable FPC

100Gbps DP-QPSK LN Modulator Packages

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~32GHz)
  2. DP-QPSK Electrical Interface Compliant Design
    (RF Connector and Pin Pitch)

100Gbps Flip-Chip BGA Packages for Media Access Controllers

  1. Differential Pair Lines x 4ch
    Low Insertion Loss: -1dB min. (DC~32GHz)
    Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~32GHz)
  2. Excellent Features of Ceramic Material (HITCE® GL773)
    Low Tangent Delta: 33 x 10E-4 @ 60GHz
    High Coefficient of Thermal Expansion: 11.7 x 10E-6 / K @ RT~400°C

25Gbps Packages

25Gbps Ceramic Leadless Chip Carriers (CLCC) for Modulator Drivers

  1. Surface Mount Packages
    Low Insertion Loss: -1dB min. (DC~32GHz)
    Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~32GHz)
  2. Cu-Mo Heat Sink

25Gbps Cooled TOSA Packages

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~28GHz)
  2. Kyocera USP6,992,250 (Structure Patent)
    Kyocera USP6,036,375 (Structure Patent)

25Gbps Uncooled TOSA Packages
(TO-56 for SFP28 and TO-38 for QSFP28/ PSM4)

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~28GHz)
    Note: Measurement data of package alone. Evaluation board and assembly are not included.
  2. Glass-to-Metal TO Packages with Thin-Film Submount

25Gbps ROSA Packages

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~28GHz)
  2. Ceramic-to-Metal TO Packages

Tunable Laser Packages

TOSA Packages for Micro Integrable Tunable Laser Assembly (µ-ITLA)

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~15GHz)
  2. Kyocera USP6,992,250 (Structure Patent)
    Kyocera USP6,036,375 (Structure Patent)

BTF PKG® for Integrable Tunable Laser Assembly (ITLA)

  1. Low Return Loss: -20dB max. (DC~15GHz) )

10Gbps Packages

10Gbps Cooled TOSA Packages

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max (DC~15GHz)
    Note: Measurement data of package alone. Evaluation board and assembly are not included.
  2. 50Ω-Impedance Matched RF pin and Thin-Film Submount
  3. Glass-to-Metal TO Packages

10Gbps Cooled TOSA Packages

  1. Low Return Loss: -15dB max. (DC~15GHz)
  2. Kyocera USP6,992,250 (Structure Patent)
    Kyocera USP6,036,375 (Structure Patent)

40Gbps Packages

Surface Mount Packages

TOSA / ROSA Packages
for QSFP+ Transceivers
Kyocera USP6,992,250
Kyocera USP6,036,375
(Structure Patents)

XLMD-MSA Compliant

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