Integrated circuits, known as semiconductors, can be found in products that we use frequently in our daily lives. Though perhaps most well known for their use in personal computers, semiconductors are also widely incorporated into cars, smartphones, TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and other everyday appliances in order to add more convenient functions which would deteriorate without the application of semiconductors. In addition, it might be impossible to produce industrial products without semiconductors because the machines used to manufacture industrial products also rely on semiconductor technology. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are only able to live comfortably thanks to the support of semiconductors.
The process of manufacturing semiconductors includes a harsh environment where plasma is generated. Therefore, plasma corrosion resistance is an essential property for components in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, because it will introduce contamination of unintended impurities into the semiconductors, leading to defective products. This is why highly-reliable Fine Ceramics with excellent plasma resistance are more suitable for the semiconductor manufacturing process than resins, glass, and metals.
Through the full utilization of superior plasma resistance, one of the features of Fine Ceramics, a variety of Fine Ceramic components are actively employed in the harsh environment where plasma is generated.
With the improved performance of semiconductors year after year, their manufacturing equipment also continues to evolve. This is demonstrated by higher performance requirements for the components in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, such as higher durability to intense plasma used at higher temperatures. As a result, conventional parts made from materials such as resin, glass, and metal are being replaced with Fine Ceramic components.