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Management Message

Combining the Diverse Strengths of the Kyocera Group to Create New Value

Chairman and Representative Director Goro Yamaguchi President and Representative Director Hideo Tanimoto

Since Kyocera was founded in 1959, we have grown our business based on the Management Rationale developed by our founder, Dr Kazuo Inamori: "To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind."
Changes in societal and economic structures are progressing rapidly, on a larger scale, and based on new perspectives, unlike anything we have seen before. As a result, we expect many new business opportunities, but as a truly global company, we also have a responsibility to tackle a broad range of issues facing society.
For the Kyocera Group to contribute to society, continuously improve our corporate value, and uphold our Management Rationale, we believe it is necessary to continue taking on new challenges rather than being bound by traditional ways of thinking.
With a sense of urgency in response to our changing times, we aim to enhance Kyocera’s corporate value and achieve a sustainable society by applying all of our technological capabilities and management resources, and by helping every employee reach their full potential.