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Corporate Summary

Corporate Summary (As of March 31, 2024)

Company Name

KYOCERA Corporation

Global Headquarters

6 Takeda Tobadono-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Japan 612-8501  MAP


April 1, 1959

Common Stock

115,703 million JPY (766 million USD)

Consolidated Sales Revenue

2,004,221 million JPY (13,273 million USD) (Year ended March 31, 2024)

Profit Before Income Taxes

136,143 million JPY (902 million USD) (Year ended March 31, 2024)

Group Companies

293 (Including KYOCERA Corporation)

Group Employees

79,185 (Excluding non-consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates accounted for by the equity method)

*Note on exchange rates: U.S. dollar (USD) conversions are provided above as a convenience to the reader, based on the rate of 1 USD=151 JPY, rounded to the nearest unit (as of March 29, 2024)

Sales Revenue by Reporting Segment (Year ended March 31, 2024)

Core Components Business 28.4%
Industrial & Automotive Components Unit 11.2%
Semiconductor Components Unit 15.7%
Others 1.5%
Electronic Components Business 17.6%
Solutions Business 54.9%
Industrial Tools Unit 15.5%
Document Solutions Unit 22.5%
Communications Unit 11.2%
Others 5.7%
Others 0.9%
Adjustments & Eliminations -1.8%

Consolidated Sales Revenue Percentage by Region (Year ended March 31, 2024)

Japan[582,108MM JPY(3,855MM USD), 29.0%], Asia[501,033MM JPY(3,318MM USD), 25.0%], U.S.A.[443,003MM JPY(2,934MM USD), 22.1%], Europe[401,923MM JPY(2,662MM USD), 20.1%], Others[76,154MM JPY(504MM USD), 3.8%]
Japan[582,108MM JPY(3,855MM USD), 29.0%], Asia[501,033MM JPY(3,318MM USD), 25.0%], U.S.A.[443,003MM JPY(2,934MM USD), 22.1%], Europe[401,923MM JPY(2,662MM USD), 20.1%], Others[76,154MM JPY(504MM USD), 3.8%]

*Unit: Millions
*% represents the component ratio
*Based on the rate of 1 USD=151 JPY, rounded to the nearest unit (as of March 29, 2024)