
Paving the Way for Safe and Secure
Autonomous Mobility with Innovative
Solutions and Infrastructure

To help pave the way for the creation of an autonomous mobility
society, Kyocera will develop not only automotive devices,
such as cameras and displays, but also critical infrastructure
leveraging our know-how in communications technology.
Furthermore, we will support the evolution of mobility with
three-dimensional spatial analysis technologies, such as in
personal transporters and drones, which are critical to
improving safety and security around the world.

Developer Interviews

Understanding New Challenges and Future Projects
Being Undertaken at Kyocera

Interview 01
The Cooperative Road-Vehicle System:
Realizing the Safe and Convenient Transport Society of the Future
Interview 02
Ultra-High-Performance SuperCapacitors
Turn Team Spirit into Strength to
Create the Mobility of Tomorrow
Technology & Products

Related Technologies and Products

To help realize safe, secure, and comfortable automobiles, we supply camera modules and high definition liquid crystal displays that play a part in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Furthermore, we are engaged in the development of parts and infrastructure related to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electric (CASE) vehicles, which leverage communications technologies and support the advancement of an autonomous mobility society.