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Top Music Picks

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Whether for winding down after work or to help spark new ideas, music is a great way to break from the everyday engineering routine and find new creative inspiration from the musical arts. Here we introduce the top engineer-recommended songs with selections ranging from country to rock and everything in between! Check out these picks for addition to your playlist!
Favorite Music 01
This song reminds me of my youth and time spent playing video games with my brother.

United Kingdom
Engineering Project Leader
This song reminds me of the easygoing, fun life I had as a student. In particular I remember the great time I had as an exchange student in the US and the nice people I met while I was studying there.

R&D Engineer for Human Augmentation
Favorite Music 02
This song helps me focus, transmitting inspiration and emotion. It comes from the movie "Rush" about Formula One drivers, and listening to it is like re-watching the movie in the background in your head.

Mechanical Engineer
Listening to a single piano allows me to focus on and get in touch with the pianist playing. George Winston's way of playing, his tempo, and his feeling for pressing the piano keys all combine to tell its own beautiful story.

AI Researcher
When I listen to this song, it evokes a vast landscape. Especially if I'm busy or stuck with my research, I can immerse myself in the world of music and calm my thoughts.

Computer Vision Researcher
Favorite Music 03

The ATliens album from OutKast was an amazing innovation in music. Its legacy stands as one of the best albums to change the face of southern hip hop in America.

United Kingdom
Sales Manager
Favorite Music 04
Alternative Rock & Pop
I think one of the biggest reasons I like this song so much is because I used to listen to this type of music a lot with my friends when I was a student. It brings back memories of the easygoing, fun student life.

R&D Engineer for Human Augmentation
This song takes me back to my childhood, when my mom used to play it at home. Every time I hear it I’m filled with peace and happiness. I listen to different types of music depending on my mood or the situation - some songs give me strength, while others help me relax. But this one? It simply makes me happy!

Technical Marketing Director
I really enjoy Viva La Vida's melodic music and instrumentals, relatable lyrics, and of course Chris Martin's distinctive voice.

United States
MTS Systems Engineer
Favorite Music 05

We both come from the same region of Kentucky. He has a unique voice and great story telling ability.

United States
Technical Applications Engineer
Favorite Music 06
When I first discovered Ken Kamikita, I barely knew any Japanese and was drawn in by his style and especially this song. Later, after learning Japanese, I took more time to enjoy the manga-style music video and lyrics. This song taught me how to live without regrets and is for me the most important thing in my life today.

R&D Engineer
When I want to focus or lift my mood, this is just the right tune.

R&D Engineer
Favorite Music 07
Punjabi Music

As an artist, his story is very inspiring. He worked hard before anyone knew him, but now he is one of the best Punjabi singers in India.

R&D Engineer
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