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Activities & Hobbies



What meaningful activities do you engage in outside of work and in your private life?

Here are some activities our engineers recommend for outside of work, including continuous learning for skill enhancement and unique hobbies that foster personal development.

Activities besides work 01



I enjoy cooking because it is a never-ending pursuit of perfection. Currently, I am focused on researching how to bake more delicious cakes.


Mechanical Engineer

My hobby is lifelong learning. I enjoy researching everything from social topics such as New York City's urban planning and history to trivia about familiar foods.

United States

Senior Principal Engineer

Activities besides work 02


Health and Fitness

I aim to take part in at least one athletic event every year. So far, I have completed half marathons and triathlons. Having a specific event scheduled motivates me to exercise regularly throughout the year.

United States

Process Engineer

Outside of work, I assist children as a trainer. Interacting with people allows me to make new discoveries and acquire new skills.


Mechanical Engineer

Activities besides work 03


Career Advancement

I like to spend my time researching competitor initiatives and industry trends through social media and other means.


Sales Manager

I'm currently studying AI technology through participation in AI-related communities and taking courses at a research institute called AI Singapore. I want to use AI to address social issues, achieve global sustainability, and create new businesses.


Sales Engineer

My current goal is to acquire the basic knowledge required for an engineer and to grow as a Professional Engineer (PE). Right now I'm studying for the Fundamental Engineer (FE) exam.

United States

Software Engineer

I am learning the R language through an online learning service. I use it for process and data analysis related to crystal growth, which is also useful in my work.

United States

Principal R&D Engineer

Activities besides work 04


Foreign Language Study

I have been learning English for about five years using an online service. Currently, I am studying German.


Mechanical Engineer

Since our headquarters is located in Kyoto and I work closely with many Japanese colleagues, I actively dedicate time to learning Japanese both during work hours and in my personal time to improve communication.

United States

Process Engineer

Activities besides work 05



I am learning plumbing and electrical design skills in preparation for building my own home when I retire.

United States

System Support

I plan to learn survival techniques in case of TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). I'm learning how to install solar power generators and freeze-dry food to preserve it for a long period of time, with the aim of becoming self-sufficient.

United States

Senior R&D Engineer


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