Fusion of the latest laser and
communication technologies.
It all started from 2021 when Kyocera acquired SLD Laser, one of the world's leading laser technology companies, as a wholly owned subsidiary. At the time, LEDs were the mainstream for underwater wireless optical communication and FSO (Free Space Optics), and there were issues with the amount of information that could be transmitted, the speed, and the distance. This led us to focus on laser light based Li-Fi (*) related technology. We felt that the combination of blue laser technology and Kyocera's communication technology had the potential to drastically change the conventional wisdom. Japan has a vast exclusive economic zone, but its marine resources are not being fully utilized.
However, underwater optical communication would surely contribute to society and lead to new ventures, so we have set to work on our business with great expectations and a sense of mission.
*Li-Fi, short for Light Fidelity, is a communication technology that stands apart from Wi-Fi. While Wi-Fi uses wireless radio waves, Li-Fi uses infrared rays and other similar means. It is known for its high speed and low susceptibility to radio interference. In this project, a new communication mechanism was developed using blue to green wavelengths, which are not easily attenuated even underwater.

Comment from product development engineer
Sovan Das / KYOCERA SLD Laser, Inc.
We encountered several challenges in system development. Modulating high-power GaN-based lasers with a broad baseband signal introduces issues in communication systems due to nonlinearities. To address this, we are developing a unique laser-based technique. This project has gained attention from both the US government and industry, and we feel fortunate to be involved in an initiative that will contribute to a sustainable future.