Kyocera received an award of "TOP 100 GLOBAL INNOVATORS 2016" in which the top innovative enterprises in the world were selected.

Kyocera received an award of "TOP 100 GLOBAL INNOVATORS 2016", selected by Clarivate Analytics, a global information service enterprise.
Clarivate Analytics analyzed intellectual property trends with their unique standards based on their collection of patent data and selected one hundred enterprises and research institutions that led the world with their innovative efforts.
Kyocera has received this award for three years consecutively because our high "patent success rate" and improved "global characteristics" were rated high. Kyocera's "number of patents," "patent success rate (registration rate)," "global reach" and "patent influence in citation/quotations" also contributed to meeting the selection standards for this award.
We will continue to make efforts in intellectual property activities to support our business development and to contribute to innovation that develops technology in Japan and the world.