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Meet Takako from Kyocera R&D in Japan

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Meet Takako from Kyocera R&D in Japan.

Dr. Takako's specialty is materials simulation using quantum chemistry calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. Since 2018, she has been engaged in research on quantum computing and has also started research on material development using quantum annealing and gate-type quantum computers. Currently, she is also active as a visiting associate professor in a joint research course at Tohoku University.

During her time off, Takako is active in many areas. As an artist, Takako started model drawing this year and hopes to hold a solo exhibition in the future. For the outdoors, she enjoys bouldering and climbing with her colleagues. And in the arena of fine dining, she is a connoisseur of Japanese sake and is currently studying for a qualification in Sake tasting!

Keep up the good work, Takako!