Jewelry Glossary

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  • I

    • Idocrase

      Idocrase is called "vesuvianite" among mineralogists. It is named after Mt. Vesuvius in Italy. Confusingly similar as it is often mined together with minerals of the garnet family, it came to be called "idocrase," a combination of "eidos" which means appearance and "kasis" which means "mixed" in Greek.
      Usually the color is brown, green, or pale yellowish green. The transparent pieces are rare so it is popular as a collector's item.
      [Moh's hardness: 6] [Mineral type: Vesuvianite]

    • Illusion Setting

      Illusion setting is a technique for bead setting. By curving and making rounded convex between each gemstone makes the jewelry look more brilliant because the number of gemstones looks larger than the actual size, as if it is an illusion.

    • Imperial Jade

      Jade is a popular green gemstone in Asia, translucent green jade is called "imperial jade." Its moh's hardness is around 6 but the toughness is higher than that of a diamond so it is a highly durable gemstone. The key to the quality of jade is transparency.
      If you put the most beautiful jade on a newspaper, you can read it through the gem.
      [Moh's hardness: 6] [Mineral species: Jadeite]

    • Imperial Topaz

      Topaz with orangish yellow, orange or reddish orange is called imperial topaz. The color is like a sherry wine. In the late 19th century, heat treated citrine (also called burnt amethyst) was sold in large quantities under the name of "golden topaz," so people tried to avoid confusion by putting "imperial" at the beginning. Imperial is named after Emperor Don Pedro II who was reigning at the time in Brazil, the main production area of topaz.
      [Moh's hardness: 8] [Mineral species: Topaz]

    • Impregnation(Enhancement)

      Impregnation is a treatment to improve the beauty of gemstones by adding oils and waxes. The following are examples of natural stones that are generally improved by impregnation methods.

      · Emerald - Increases transparency with colorless oil, resin, etc.
      · Jadeite, etc. - Increasing gloss with colorless wax, etc.
      · Ruby - Places colored oil inside a crack in the gem

    • Impregnation(Treatment)

      Impregnation is a treatment done to change the color by adding oil to a gemstone.
      The following is an example of natural stones that may be modified by impregnation methods.
      · Emerald - Change with colored oil and resin
      · Opal - Change color with coloring materials and carbonization components
      · Jadeite, turquoise - Increases colorless resin for better transparency
      · Ruby, sapphire - Darken the color by putting the colored oil into cracks

    • Inclusion

      Inclusion is a feature found inside a gem (mineral), presented as a liquid, gas or solid incorporated into a crystal when the crystal grows. A gemstone well-known for inclusions is the emerald, and inclusion such as insects are incorporated into amber (the only inclusions in organic gems) and rutile in quartz.

      Gemstones that contain a lot of inclusions are vulnerable to shocks, which could cause cracks, as opposed to gemstones without inclusions.
      In addition, when gemstones are heated through adjusting ring size, an inclusion may expand and change the stone.

    • Index Ring

      The index ring is worn on the index finger, which is a finger used to point out and often seen by people. This finger symbolizes dream, desire and communication, so it is believed that people can improve concentration and be lucky by wearing an index ring.

    • Invisible Setting

      Please refer to "mystery setting."

    • Iolite

      Iolite is named from "ios" meaning blue purple and "lithos" meaning stone in Greek. It is also known by the name "water sapphire" because it is associated with sapphire blue and water transparency. Iolite is a gem that has strong pleochroism. Iolite of high quality shows high transparent violet blue. Milky and low transparency gems are cut to cabochon to display beautiful soft colors.
      [Moh's hardness: 7] [Mineral species: Cordierite]

    • Iridium

      Iridium is usually used as an alloy metal, and it has high corrosion resistance.

    • ISO

      ISO is an abbreviation for The International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an international nongovernmental organization of national standard bodies (ISO standard).

      The purpose of ISO standard is to make international trade smooth and offer "same quality" / "same level" all over the world.
      Enactments and revisions are decided upon by the participating countries' votes (162 countries as of 2018), including Japan.

      For ring size, the ISO standard is established based on the inner diameter.

      ISO standards are established for the products or services and the mechanism (management system) for managing quality and environmental activities. These are called "management system standards" and correspond to standards such as quality management system (ISO 9001) and environmental management system (ISO 14001).

    • ISO14001

      Organizations and companies that have acquired ISO14001 will be internationally recognized as conducting organization / corporate activities that are friendly to the global environment.

      Clarify the "environmental impact" that the organization has on all people (local residents, stakeholders) and things (water, air, and so on) surrounding the organization.

      If there is a negative impact, organizations and companies with ISO14001 will make a system to solve the problem. It is necessary to take an annual examination for maintenance and renewal.

    • ISO9001

      Companies and factories that have acquired ISO9001 indicate that they have established an international standard management system from the manufacturing process to the provision to customers to improve the quality of products and services. This means that we guarantee a certain level of quality for the final product or service to be provided. In addition to quality, ISO9001 also establishes prices and delivery dates for customers, and the ultimate goal is to achieve customer satisfaction. It is necessary to take an annual examination for maintenance and renewal.

    • Ivory

      Ivory originally refers to the fangs of elephants. Since it has a tenacious characteristics and easy to process, it has been utilized as a carving material in many places. It is not just simple white but its warm cream color is attractive. The worldwide trading of ivory was regulated by the Washington Convention in 1989, so mammoth fossil fangs and walrus fangs are sold as ivory.
      [Moh's hardness: 2.5-3] [Organic matter: Ivory]

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