Official Website of Kazuo Inamori



Performing Daily Work

Grasp Matters Simply

We tend to complicate matters. But, if we are to capture the essence of a matter, we must grasp complexities in a simple manner. The more we simplify a matter or phenomenon, the closer we approach its original nature, its essence or truth.

Management also seems complex. Yet, it can be boiled down to a simple basic principle: "maximize revenues and minimize expenses." Kyocera's Hourly Efficiency Management System is based on this idea of grasping things simply.

It is critical to maintain a mindset that always seeks ways to simplify complexities.

About the Philosophy
To Lead a Wonderful Life
(1) Elevate Our Minds
(2) Work More Effectively
(3) Make Correct Decisions
(4) Accomplish a New Feat
(5) Conquer Obstacles
(6) Reflections on Life
The Heart of Management
At Kyocera, Everyone Is a Manager
Performing Daily Work