Kazuo Inamori Archive
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The audio for these videos is only available in Japanese.
Short Videos on Management Philosophy
Good Thoughts Bring Good Results (2:59)
Inamori's own experiences led him to believe that we live our lives along a path that we can compare to cloth being woven on a loom. The "warp" thread, running top to bottom, represents elements of our lives we cannot change; the "weft" thread, running side to side, represents the Law of Cause & Effect, where our thoughts and deeds can change the outcome of our lives and the world around us. In this video, he discusses the importance of "thinking good thoughts and undertaking good deeds."
Why We Need Philosophy in Management (2:47)
This video provides clear examples to explain why philosophy is necessary in business management. If you want to climb the world's highest mountain, instead of going for a simple hike, you'll need suitable climbing techniques, training, and equipment. Similarly, if you want to build an amazing, world-leading company, you won't be able to do it with half-baked ideas and philosophies. You need a high-level corporate philosophy to match your lofty goals.
The Three Objectives of Philosophy (1:58)
This video explains the reasons any company should establish a management philosophy,
outlining three objectives:
1) To codify the rules, regulations, and commitments that represent the ideals of the company
2) To provide a mindset for achieving the company's goals
3) To give the company an exalted character and corporate reputation
(An exalted corporate character is evident when employees continually strive to demonstrate the ideal way of living as a human being.)