Inamori experiences Kakure Nenbutsu (a form of hidden Buddhist devotion).
Inamori enrolls in Kagoshima City Nishida Elementary School (where he studies under goju education, a type of education system used by the samurai of the Satsuma domain).
Inamori reads book, Truth of Life, while confined to bed with tuberculosis. The book lays the foundation for his belief that our reality is a reflection of our minds.
Kyocera’s Management Rationale is established after contentious demands of young employees are successfully resolved.
Inamori is deeply inspired by Konosuke Matsushita’s “The Dam Approach to Management.”
Inamori formally establishes the management philosophy of “pursuing the material and intellectual well-being of all employees while contributing to the advancement of humanity and society.”
The first volume of “Kyocera Philosophy” is published.
During a management policy announcement, Inamori cites a quote from Tempu Nakamura: “The success of a new plan lies solely in a persistent and indomitable mind. Therefore, think single-mindedly, nobly, and strongly.”
Inamori’s debut book, Elevate Your Mind and Expand Your Business (PHP Institute), is published.
Inamori enters Buddhist priesthood during ceremony at Enpuku-ji temple of the Rinzai sect, Myoshin-ji lineage.