Kyocera’s Management Rationale is established after contentious demands of young employees are successfully resolved.
Inamori makes first business trip to the United States.
Shiga plant (currently Shiga Higashiomi plant) is established in Shiga prefecture, Japan.

Inamori is deeply inspired by Konosuke Matsushita’s “The Dam Approach to Management.”
Kyocera receives large order of alumina substrates for ICs from IBM.

Inamori assumes the role of president of Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd.
Inamori formally establishes the management philosophy of “pursuing the material and intellectual well-being of all employees while contributing to the advancement of humanity and society.”
The first volume of “Kyocera Philosophy” is published.

Inamori successfully develops new ceramics that contribute to exports and wins the first Medium and Small Business Research Institute Award.
Sendai plant is established in Kagoshima prefecture for multilayer ceramic IC packages.

Inamori establishes a local subsidiary in the US, Kyocera International, Inc. (KII).