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Desertification /
Life Without Electricity
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Products > Solar Energy > Our Solar Power Spirit > Our Earth > Desertification / Life Without Electricity 

Desertification / Life Without Electricity

 How much land has become desert?
DesertificationNearly one fourth of all continental land on the Earth has become desert. This amounts to nearly 41 percent of all arable land in dry regions. Roughly 2 billion people live in the dry regions; at least 90 percent of whom are located in developing countries. Desertification becomes one of the causes of food and water supply shortages and poverty.


 How many people in the world live without electricity?
life without electricityApproximately 1.6 billion people are currently without electricity. The majority of countries without access to electricity are in Central Africa and Southern Asia, including China and Mongolia.

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Products > Solar Energy > Our Solar Power Spirit > Our Earth > Desertification / Life Without Electricity